Leech Therapy: how does it work? Pt II

Eglin, Calin and Hirudin: active substances in ...
Leech therapy has been known as a local elimination procedure for around 2,000 years. During blood sucking, the leeches secrete various substances that have an anti-inflammatory, blood circulation and analgesic...
Eglin, Calin and Hirudin: active substances in ...
Leech therapy has been known as a local elimination procedure for around 2,000 years. During blood sucking, the leeches secrete various substances that have an anti-inflammatory, blood circulation and analgesic...

Leech therapy: everything explained in detail
LEECH THERAPY The leech was known for its healing properties long before the Middle Ages. In medicine, leech therapy is now experiencing a renaissance. The German word for leech, Egel,...
Leech therapy: everything explained in detail
LEECH THERAPY The leech was known for its healing properties long before the Middle Ages. In medicine, leech therapy is now experiencing a renaissance. The German word for leech, Egel,...