Leeches in Asian medicine
Leeches in Asian medicine
Leech therapy is one of the rejection procedures of medical naturopathy. The first representations of leech therapy come from India (approx. 500 BC). In Europe, treatment with leeches was first introduced around 200 BC. BC mentioned by the Greeks Nikander and Colophon.
Leech therapy is now experiencing a renaissance in naturopathy, but also in surgery.
The overall effect of leech therapy is due to blood loss and the specific leech agents. The leech produces an anticoagulant substance called hirudin in its neck glands. Hirudin has an anticoagulant, antithrombotic, immunizing and antispasmodic effect through local vasodilation. Other leech agents have circulation-promoting properties. Due to the loss of blood (approx. 10 ml) and the bleeding lasting several hours (approx. 20 to 40 ml), the effect of leech therapy also corresponds to that of a very gentle and slow bloodletting. It has a decongestant, blood-thinning, anti-inflammatory effect and removes toxins and metabolic waste. The main indications for leech treatment are:
inflammatory diseases, chronic sinusitis, chronic otitis media venous diseases: varicose veins, acute thrombophlebitis, post-thrombotic syndrome, leg ulcers, hemorrhoids joint diseases: rheumatic diseases, distortion, acute gout attack local infections: boils, carbuncles eye diseases: age-related cataracts, other diseases: chronic glaucoma Tinnitus, postzoster neuralgia, etc.
source: china-medic.com