Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I raise leeches as pets at home?

Answer: Yes, leeches can be  cared for in the comfort of your own home. They are in fact, probably the easiest pets to have. Instructions for care and maintenance of your leeches is included with your purchase.

Question: How long do leeches travel to my home? Will they still be alive when I get them?

Answer: The average leech-delivery journey is 5-7 days. Your Hirudo Leeches are able to make the journey due to extra special packaging and Hirudo Gel. If for some reason leeches should not survive the journey, will replace your purchase for free, as part of its 100% Guarantee.

Question: Should I order few just to try them or should I place a bulk wholesale order?

Answer: Many of our customers prefer to place small orders initially and choose to increase their leech quantity in consecutive orders, gradually leading up to bulk quantities of this wonderful aquatic in-vertebrae, however, there are those who go full-steam ahead and order large wholesale quantities from the start.

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